Mental Golf Solutions


Etiquette for the New Golfer

Carmen Vasey • New Golfers
Learning golf etiquette before swinging a club helps a new golfer get out on the course with more confidence.

Fore! It's time to talk about golf etiquette. Golf is a game of class, elegance, and sportsmanship. It's a game that demands respect for the course, the players, and the game itself.

Golf etiquette may seem like a set of rules that only the elite and experienced golfers know about, but it's something that every golfer, regardless of skill level, should know and follow. So, whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting, let's talk about golf etiquette in a fun and casual way.



Pace of Play


Guys talking on golf course


Let's start with the pace of play. Golf is a unique game in that it's not played on a clock and requires patience, focus, and concentration. It's not a game that can be rushed. That being said, it's important to keep the pace moving. There are no time limits or shot clocks like in basketball or tennis. However, that doesn't mean you can take as long as you want to play each shot.

A slow player can quickly become a frustrating obstacle for others on the course. If you're a slow player, be aware of your pace and let faster players play through. This means waving them on ahead of you so they can play their shots without having to wait for you.

It's also important to be ready to hit your shot when it's your turn. Take your practice swings and line up your shot while others are playing so you're ready to hit when it's your turn.

If you're a faster player, be patient and polite when asking to play through. Remember, everyone is out there to enjoy the game, so let's make sure we're all doing our part to keep the pace moving.

Respecting the course

Another important aspect of golf etiquette is respecting the course. Golf courses are meticulously maintained and cared for. From the greens to the fairways, every inch of the course is designed to provide the best possible playing experience.

It's important to respect the course by fixing divots (the chunks of grass that are sometimes taken out of the ground when you hit your shot), raking bunkers (the sand traps around the course), and repairing ball marks on the green.

Ball marks are the small indentations that your ball can make on the green when it lands. It's important to repair these marks with a special tool (usually provided by the course) so they don't damage the grass and affect the putting surface for future players.

Additionally, make sure to avoid driving carts or walking on sensitive areas of the course, such as the tee boxes or the edges of the greens. These areas are more prone to damage and can take longer to recover. These small actions can go a long way in preserving the course for future players.


Golf carts


golf cart next to sign


Speaking of preserving the course, let's talk about golf carts. Golf carts can be a great way to get around the course quickly and efficiently. However, it's important to remember that golf carts can also cause damage to the course if not used properly.

Make sure to follow the cart rules, stay on the cart paths when possible, and avoid driving on the greens or other sensitive areas. And, of course, always return the cart to its designated area when you're finished.




Now, let's talk about sportsmanship. Golf is a game of honesty and integrity. It's important to always be truthful about your shots and score, even if it means taking a penalty stroke or two. Cheating not only ruins the game for yourself, but it also ruins the game for others.

It's important to always be truthful and honest, even if no one else is watching. Remember, we're all out here to have fun and enjoy the game.

Another aspect of sportsmanship is respecting your fellow players. This means not talking during their swings, not standing in their line of sight, and not hitting your ball until they're out of range. Additionally, be aware of your behavior on the course. Yelling, cursing, or throwing clubs is never appropriate and can make the game less enjoyable for everyone around you.


Dress code


golfers in proper attire


Finally, let's talk about dress code. While golf attire has evolved over the years, there are still some general guidelines that should be followed. Collared shirts, khaki pants or shorts, and golf shoes are generally considered appropriate attire for the course. Additionally, make sure to check with the course beforehand to see if there are any specific dress code requirements.

Just like you would not play tennis in tight jeans and flip-flops, golfing also has its own dress code.

Not following the dress code can result in being asked to leave the course, which can be embarrassing and frustrating.


It is more than following rules


Overall, golf etiquette is about more than just following rules. It's about showing respect for the game, the course, and your fellow players. By following these guidelines, you can help ensure that everyone has a positive and enjoyable experience on the course.

Golf is a challenging and rewarding game, and it's important to treat it with the respect it deserves. So the next time you're out on the course, remember to be aware of your pace of play, respect the course, follow cart etiquette, practice sportsmanship, and dress appropriately.

By doing so, you'll not only improve your own game, but you'll also contribute to a better golfing experience for everyone around you. And, most importantly, have fun!


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